

Tree Preservation Plans

Arborist Consulting & Tree Preservation is well versed in the process of providing professionally drawn tree preservation plans, meeting with inspectors, and fulfilling all the required permits and documentation to get your project started. Our Certified Arborists will work with you to get your project running smoothly from start to finish


Tree Protection Measures

There are several tree protection installation services that we provide using Certified Arborists. Most towns in the Washington DC metropolitan area utilize a combination of root pruning, tree protection fence, and tree protection matting. Some more elaborate tree preservation plans require additional items, Arborist Consulting & Tree Preservation can handle what ever the project requires


Tree Inventories

Using a Certified Arborist to perform a tree inventory during the planning stages of a project is a very helpful tool in deciding what areas of a project should be conserved as a tree preservation zone, figuring out likely permitting fees, and which areas are best suited for construction to occur